Abstract :
Aseptic conditions in humans need to be maintained to prevent diseasecausing microorganisms. In counteracting disease-causing microorganisms
requires antibacterial. One of the plants that can be used as an antibacterial is
anthocyanin which is an organic compound from the flavonoid family that
dissolves in water which gives red, blue, violet colors. Fermentation can increase
anthocyanin levels in purple sweet potatoes. This study aims to determine the
presence of anthocyanins in purple sweet potato tape (Ipomoea batatas L.) which
can be used as an antibacterial and to determine total anthocyanins level in purple
sweet potato tape (Ipomoea batatas L.) Qualitative analysis using HCl and NaOH
with positive results indicated by a change in color. becomes persistent red and
bluish green and then fades. Determination of total anthocyanin levels was carried
out using UV-Vis spectrophotometric method with the principle of difference in
anthocyanin pH expressed in mg/100gram sample at a maximum wavelength of
524 nm. The results obtained that the average anthocyanin content was
31.24mg/100gram with a coefficient of variation value of 0.279%.