Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Yulinar, Hardiyanti Arista
RN Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Mathematics
2022-07-05 02:10:18
Abstract :
Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources. Some plants can be usedas herbal medicine, one of which is koro benguk. Koro Benguk which has beenprocessed into tempe Koro Benguk contains flavonoid compounds. Flavonoidshave properties that have antibacterial activity. This study aims to determine thepresence or absence of flavonoid content and determine the total flavonoid content
contained in the extract of koro benguk tempe. Extraction was carried out bymaceration method using 70% ethanol as solvent. The extract results were usedfor qualitative and quantitative analysis. Quercetin was selected as the standardsolution. Qualitative analysis of flavonoids was carried out usingtheWilstater-Cyanidin method, and dilute NaOH. Quantitative analysis wasperformed using visible spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 438.0 nmandanoperating time of 27 minutes. The results of the qualitative analysis showedthat
the extract was positive for flavonoids and the average total flavonoid content was0,440827833% with the coefficient of variation 0,0223%.