Abstract :
Corned products are favored and consumed by the public because of their
practicality. The basic raw material for making corned beef is ground beef. Corned
beef not only comes from beef, but can also come from chicken. The purpose of
this study was to determine the levels of nitrite contained in corned beef with
visible spectrophotometry method. The samples used were samples that did not
have a distribution permit and were not branded. Qualitative test of nitrite content
in corned beef was carried out with BaCl2, AgNO3, KMnO4, FeSO4 and KI
reagents. Quantitative test using Visible spectrophotometry. The determination of
the levels of corned beef was carried out with Griess reagent using Visible
spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 527 nm with an operating time of 10
minutes. The results of the qualitative test showed that the corned beef was
positive for nitrite. The average level of nitrite from corned beef in sample 1 is
20,42 mg/kg with a coefficient of variation of 0,93%, sample 2 is 22,49 mg/kg
with a coefficient of variation of 1,09%, while sample 3 is 15,85 mg/kg. kg with
a coefficient of variation of 0,47%. The average result of the three samples meets
the requirements based on the Regulation of the Food and Drug Supervisory
Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, which is below 30 mg/kg or 0,003%.