Abstract :
The use of binahong plants, especially binahong leaves for medicinal
ingredients, is not yet known a safe dose, so it is necessary to do a toxicity test to
determine the safe dose limit as a medicinal ingredient. The study was conducted
experimentally with the aim of knowing the LD50 value as well as toxic symptoms
in the administration of the n-hexane fraction of binahong leaf ethanol extract.
Observation of the test animals was carried out intensively 30 minutes, 4 hours after
treatment, 24 hours after treatment with doses of 1000 mg, 2000 mg, and 3000 mg.
The results showed that there was a toxic effect at a dose of 3000 mg which was
characterized by symptoms in the form of mice becoming weak. However, the three
doses given did not cause death in the test animals so that the LD50 could not be