Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Fatmawati, Septia Indah Pratiwi
RN Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Mathematics
2022-07-05 02:11:02
Abstract :
COVID-19 vaccination is very important to do immediately, this has the aim to
minimize the transmission of corona virus that causes COVID-19 disease and
suppress mortality and morbidity due to the corona virus, but there are still some
rejections from some people. This can be due to ignorance, lack of knowledge and
understanding of COVID-19 vaccination. The research was conducted with the aim
of obtaining knowledge data owned by the community in Kalikobok village, Tanon
sub-district, Sragen about COVID-19 vaccination. Sample stabilization uses
descriptive methods with purposive sampling techniques. The minimum sample
number taken was 129 people by distributing questionnaires obtained by 132 people
according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of the distribution of
questionnaires to respondents were the most respondents in the age range of 12-25
years at 50%, the female gender had the most number compared to the male sex at
59.8%, the most private types of work at 46.2%, the most respondents had a last
secondary education of 78%. The level of community knowledge in Kalikobok
village, Tanon subdistrict, Sragen category is both 81.1% and the category is not
good 18.9%, so there needs to be an increase in socialization and education activities
to the public about vaccinations so that they can be fully understood so to increase
interest in vaccination and avoid hoax news.