Abstract :
Misuse of drugs such as methamphetamine to increase concentration and
reduce stress. The abuse can be grouped into two, first, causes derived from
individual factors such as knowledge, attitudes, personality, genital jeins, age,
pleasure drive, feelings of curiosity, and to solve the problem at hand. Then the
second group comes from its environment such as work, family disharmony,
socioeconomic class, and group pressure. The purpose of this study is to find
out whether there is methamphetamine which is tested qualitatively on Ojek
online urine in the Surakarta area using the immunoassay method.
This type of research on scientific papers is qualitative descriptive.
Qualitative test with quota sampling technique using immunoassay method that
uses 10 samples in the form of urine when obtained from Ojek online surakarta
Negative methamphetamine test results are indicated by the formation of
color line is formed on the control (C) and test (T). Strip test dyeing is carried
out for 10 - 15 seconds and the reading should not be more than 10 minutes.
All 10 urine samples examined were negative or did not contain