Abstract :
Various studies on eggs have been carried out and the results show that microorganisms such as bacteria can contaminate eggs. The bacteria that often contaminate eggs are the genus Salmonella sp. Eggs can be damaged, both physical damage and damage caused by microbial growth. Microbes can enter the egg through the pores in the egg shell, through the air, or chicken manure. Microbial
contamination into eggs is also influenced by environmental factors such as simple market conditions, poor environmental sanitation, and unsterile storage areas. The type of research used in this scientific paper is descriptive research. This research was conducted at the Bacteriology Laboratory of the National College of Health Sciences and the time of the research was carried out on December 2021-
Mei 2022. The sample of this study was Cracked Chicken Eggs sold at Daleman Market, Baki, Sukoharjo. The sampling technique used is Quota sampling. From the examination at the National STIKES Bacteriology Laboratory, 8 samples examined were found to be bacteria belonging to the gram-positive Coccus, Gram-positive rods and Yersinia pestis.
Based on the results of the identification of Salmonella sp in cracked chicken eggs sold at the Daleman Market, Baki, Sukoharjo, it was found that no Salmonella sp.