Abstract :
Preliminary study has been done to determine the amount of drug sales on
January 25, 2018 at the pharmacy RSJD Dr. Soedjarwadi Central Java Province
every day as many as 180 and until January 25, 2018 as many as 3800 pieces of
recipes. Sales data collected on January 25, 2018, shows the figure of total sales
of these drugs increased to 5-15%. An increase in the number of drug sales is due,
because pharmacies provide pharmaceutical services to patients well. Knowing
the Level of Satisfaction of Pharmaceutical Services in the Outpatient Installation
of Pharmacies RSJD Dr. Soedjarwadi Central Java Province. he research design
used non experiment with quantitative descriptive method. The population in this
study were all patients who were treated in the outpatient room of Dr. RSJD. RM.
Soedjarwadi Central Java Province 2018 which amounted to 3800 people,
sampling technique purposive sampling, instrument peneltiian questionnaire.
Data analysis using frequency distribution. Characteristics of most aged 21-40
years, high school education, female gender and not working. The level of
customer satisfaction on the average reliability aspect is 78.7% including very
satisfactory. The level of customer satisfaction on the average aspect of
responsiveness in the category is very satisfactory, the average empathy aspect in
the category is very satisfactory. the aspect of tangible facilities in the category is
very satisfactory. Level of customer satisfaction in RSJD DR. RM Soedjarwadi
Central Java Province an average of 97,4 included in the category is very