Abstract :
Aseptic dispensing is a technique to minimize pharmaceutical preparations from the dangers of pyrogens and contaminants. This technique includes the stages of preparation, mixing, storage, and disposal. Each stage is closely related to the
availability of human resources, equipment, and space so that the correct technique is needed in mixing parenteral preparations. The purpose of this study was to determine
the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical technical personnel about aseptic dispensing techniques at the Pharmacy Installation of Sebelas Maret University Hospital. This research is a non-experimental research type with a descriptive design. Descriptive research only describes or describes the variables studied without analyzing the relationship between variables. The results of the research conducted at UNS Hospital showed that the characteristics of female pharmacists were more than male, namely 89.8%, the most education was Diploma 3 83.7%, ages 31 to 35 years
as many as 19 people with a percentage of 38.7 %, and the longest working period is 5 years 73.5%. The description of the level of knowledge of pharmacy technicians with aseptic dispensing techniques with good knowledge of 95.9% and sufficient knowledge of 4.1. The conclusion of the research that was conducted on 49 respondents can be concluded that the description of the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical technical personnel about Aseptic Dispensing techniques at the Pharmacy Installation of UNS Hospital in 2022 obtained as many as 47 respondents (95.9%) with good knowledge. These data indicate that the majority of pharmaceutical engineering personnel show good knowledge but there are still TTKs who have sufficient knowledge so that hospitals still need to make efforts to increase the knowledge of pharmaceutical engineering personnel about Aseptic Dispensing techniques.