Abstract :
Hand washing / hand hygiene is an activity to clean hands from all dirt, from the fingertips to the elbows and arms so as to avoid the spread of nosocomial infections acquired by the patient, when the patient is in the nursing care process
at the hospital or health center. This study aims to describe the knowledge of Five Moment Hand Hygiene by health workers at Sangkrah Health Center. This research is a non-experimental research type with a descriptive design. The
sampling technique used is a saturated sampling technique. The sample in this study was health workers at the Sangkrah Health Center as many as 45 respondents, data collection using a questionnaire sheet, respondents answered 15
statements. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis. Characteristics of respondents based on their latest education, namely Diploma 3 education dominated by 27 (60%), by profession dominated by nurses as many as 13
28.89%), by age dominated by ages over 40 years as many as 13 (28.89%), by type Sex is dominated by women as many as 40 (88.89%), based on length of work dominated by more than 10 years as many as 21 (46.67%). The knowledge of Five Moment Hand Hygiene for Health Workers at Sangkrah Health Center in
the good category as many as 30 respondents (66.7%), sufficient category 14 respondents (31.2%) and less category as many as 1 respondent (2.2%). There needs to be an effort made by the Sangkrah Health Center so that all health workers have good knowledge.