Abstract :
Margarine is a food product in the form of a solid or semi-solid emulsion made of vegetable fat and water, with or without the addition of other permitted ingredients (SNI, 2014). The composition of margarine generally consists of
components, namely 80-81% fat, 14-16% skim milk, 3% salt, 0.5% emulsifier, and 2.5% vitamins. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Total Plate Number of bulk margarine sold in the market of Karanganyar District Karanganyar Regency had met the requirements set out in SNI 3719:2014. The design used in this research is descriptive using a sampling technique, namely quota sampling. This research was conducted at the National STIKES Microbiology Laboratory in March 2022. The sample of this study was bulk
margarine which was sold at the market in Karanganyar District Karanganyar Regency. The total plate count was examined using the pour plate method, using Nutrient Agar media with a dilution of Buffered Peptone Water up to a dilution of 105 then incubation at 37°C for 24 hours in an inverted position. The research data were compared with SNI 3514:2014. The results of the study were 6 samples, showing 4 samples with total plate numbers within the standard limits of SNI 3514:2014, 2 samples exceeding the standard limits of SNI 3514:2014 with an average yield of 1.2 × 105
colonies/gr sample. The control results did not show the growth of microbial colonies. The data is depicted in the result. Based on research data from 6 samples of bulk margarine sold in the market of Karanganyar District Karanganyar Regency namely: plate number the total number of bulk margarine sold at the market Karanganyar District averages 1.2 x 105 colonies/gr sample. Total Plate Number on bulk margarine sold in the market of Karanganyar District Karanganyar Regency, 4 samples met the SNI 3541-2014 standard, and 2 samples did not meet the SNI 3541-2014 standard.