Abstract :
Smooth lotion is a cosmetic to cleanse and refresh the face, neck, and
hepls brighten the skin. Some of smooth lotion product has been known to
contained retinoic acid. The use of retinoic acid has been banned since 1998
because if used topically it is capable of causing red patches, swelling dry, dull,
and erythema. The purpose of this study was to analyze the presence and levels of
retinoic acid in smooth lotion sold online by High Performance Liquid
Chromatography using reversed phase system with stationary phase C18
(Octadecyl xylane), mobile phase methanol : water : glacial acetic acid (85 : 15 :
0,5) and a flow rate of 1,4 mL/min and the detector is set at a maximum
wavelength of 337 nm. The results showed that five of brands contained retinoic
acid. The levels of retinoic acid in brand A was 3,2938 mg%, brand B 1,2527
mg%, brand C 0,6699 mg%, brand D 0,4640 mg%, and brand E 1,3128 mg%. The
%RSD of the brand A was 0,7347%, brand B 0,6546%, brand C 3,8961%, brand
D 6,2716%, and brand E 1,0207% with recovery brand A was 109,7%, brand B
110,1%, brand C 110,5%, brand D 108,4%, and brand E 88,3%.