Abstract :
Rice is a type of food that is widely consumed by most Indonesian
society. Virgin Coconut Oil is an oil derived from fresh (Cocos mucifera L)
freshly processed coconut (Cocos mucifera L) at low temperatures (<40ºC) and
not cooked well. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of glucose
in rice with fragrant VCO (Virgin Cocot Oil). In this study used a variety of
samples of rice in the cook without using VCO, with VCO 3%, 4%, and 5% of the
amount of rice to be in the cooked.
Menthik wangi in rice small by using a blender. The extracts were added
CaCO3, Pb-Asetat, and Na-Oksalat. The result of preparation was used for
qualitative test with molish and fehling test, and tested quantitative method by
using UV-Vis spectrofotometry method at 620.0 nm wavelength with addition of
0.1% antrone reagent.
Quantitative test anallisis shows that the rice sample without the addition
of VCO, and with the VCO with the content of 3%, 4%, and 5% of the amount of
rice to be cooked. The results showed the average glucose content of the rice
sample without the addition of VCO of 30.65 mg / 100g, the average glucose
content in the rice sample added VCO with 3% content of 28.46 mg / 100g, the
average glucose level on the rice sample added VCO with 4% content of 28.31
mg / 100g, the average glucose content in the rice sample added VCO with 5%
level of 18.78 mg / 100g.