The Competitiveness of Indonesian Fishery Trade and Factors Affecting the Export Performance of Indonesian Fishery Products
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Universitas Padjadjaran
Wibowo, Arif
2021-11-23 00:00:00 
Abstract :
Indonesia is one of the largest fish producers in the world, but the export value of Indonesian fishery products is still below other countries with smaller fish potencies. To cope with this problem, the government of Indonesia launched a fishery industrialization program in 2012. In that light, question about how the policy affects the trade competitiveness of Indonesian fishery products arises. The research aims to answer this question. Using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) approach, this research concludes that, on average the fishery sector of Indonesia shows a good performance during the period of 1990 – 2016. However, for break down level, there is one commodity that has average RCA value below 1, indicating that this commodity is not competitive. Moreover, there are four out of nine commodities with many RCA values below one in each year during the research period. In advance, regression analysis shows that the real GDP growth, the real effective exchange rate (REER), the fish price index (FPI) and the industrialization program simultaneously affect the export performance of Indonesian fishery products, as the main contributor for competitiveness in trade sector. In spite of this, the industrialization program, and also the REER, has no significant impact individually to the export performance of Indonesian fishery products. 

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Universitas Padjadjaran