Akademi Perekam Medis Dan Infokes Bhumi Husada
R Medicine (General)
2023-10-09 05:08:31
Abstract :
Yudha Pradana, Review of Completeness and Incompleteness of Filling in the Cesarean Section Medical Action Approval Form at Setia Mitra Hospital, Jakarta, Scientific Writing, Diploma-III Program Bhumi Husada Academy of Medical Record and Health Information Jakarta, 2021, 6 Chapters, 50 Pages, 8 Tables, 3 Attachments.
The purpose of this study was to determine the completeness and incompleteness of filling out the consent form for medical treatment at the hospital. Loyal Partner. In this research, the writer uses descriptive research method. The total population in this study used the entire caesarean section medical action approval form in January to May 2021 as many as 129 forms. The sample calculation technique using the Slovin formula obtained as many as 98 samples of medical action approval forms. The results of the study are known in the hospital. Setia Mitra already has an SPO (Standard Operating Procedure) for filling out medical treatment approvals in a good format, the results of the study found that none of the 98 medical treatment approval forms were complete and the incomplete ones with a percentage of 100% equaled 98 medical treatment approval forms. Completeness in the patient identification review obtained an average percentage of 100%, for reviews of important reports obtained a completeness of 83%, for author authentication reviews obtained completeness of 99%, and for good record reviews there were no scribbles, deletions and blanks. by 66%. Factors causing the incompleteness of the medical action approval form are the lack of socialization regarding the importance of completing the medical treatment approval form and the absence of sanctions for officers who do not perform the analysis.