Universitas Bung Hatta
Ahmad Iqbal, Mughni
Zarfinal, Zarfinal
Desmal, Fajri
K Law (General)
2022-08-10 08:41:26
Abstract :
Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information, states that every public information has an open nature and can be accessed by every user of public information. However, there are still people who cannot access public information. The problems in this thesis are 1) What is the responsibility of the Public Relations Section in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) on Public Information Disclosure at PT. Bank Nagari? 2) What are the constraints on the responsibilities of the Public Relations Section in carrying out PPID's duties and responsibilities towards Public Information Disclosure at PT. Bank Nagari? 3) How are the efforts made in overcoming the constraints of the responsibility of the Public Relations Section in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of PPID towards Public Information Disclosure at PT. Bank Nagari? This type of research is sociological juridical, with interview data collection techniques and qualitative data analysis techniques. The results of the research are 1) The provision of information from public information applicants has not yet been implemented at PT. Bank Nagari. 2) There is no appointment of PPID and there is no special Operational Standard in terms of Public Information Disclosure. 3) Propose the establishment of PPID and propose a special Operational Standard in terms of Public Information Disclosure.