Universitas Bung Hatta
Ifan, Lukado
Mariati, Mariati
Vilia, Yusraini
PR English literature
2020-09-16 02:27:16
Abstract :
In this paper, the writer analyzed about women subordination and struggle in
patriarchal culture in which is described in Women Without Men by Sharanush
Parsipur. The novel pictures the treatments which are experienced by women
characters as subordinate in traditional society and also they struggle through many
efforts as forms of their resistant toward the subordination. The analysis has two
goals which are describing the women subordination and women struggle. The writer
uses Feminism theory. The technique of data analysis is close reading to gain
understanding the structure of the novel. The writer finds two kinds of treatment
which is done toward women. The first is being discriminated that consist of women
are lack mobility and burden household work on women. The second is experienced
violence. Furthermore, to resist from subordination the women struggle. The first is
ignoring the men's command.The second is fighting the abusive treatment. In
conclusion, the patriarchal culture had positioned women in subordination. The
subordination triggers the struggle of these women to fight for the rights to be equal
to men
Keywords: Subordination, Struggle, Discrimination, Violence