Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bethesda Yakkum
300 Sociology and Anthropology (Sosiologi dan Antropologi)
2024-01-26 08:17:56
Abstract :
NICOLAS EKA BAYU CANDRA. Descriptive Study of Social Interaction of
Autistic Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Arogya Acupuncture Partners
Klaten in 2022.
Research Background: The prevalence of people with autism in Indonesia in 2015
is estimated to be one in 250 children. The number of students with autism Arogya
Mitra Acupuncture is 54 students. An initial study conducted at Arogya Mitra
Acupuncture on July 10, 2021, through observations of 5 Arogya Mitra Acupuncture
students, found that there were social aspects, communication disorders and
behavioral disorders.
Research Objectives: To determine the social interaction of autistic children during
the covid 19 pandemic at Arogya Mitra Akupuntur Klaten in 2022.
Methods: This study uses a descriptive design with a quantitative approach. The
sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling with the number of
samples taken, namely 35 autistic children. The measuring instrument uses a social
interaction observation sheet. Data analysis uses univariate analysis.
Results: There are more males than females, namely males (68.6%) and females
(31.4%). The largest percentage of respondents' age is 8 years (25.7%) and the
smallest percentage is 7 years old (5.7%). Respondents who have good social
interaction are more than sufficient and less are as many as fourteen people (40%).
Conclusion: From the results of the research variables conducted by researchers,
most of the autistic children in Arogya Mitra Akupuntur have good social
interactions, which are 14 children (40.0%).
Suggestion: Researchers suggest that other researchers should conduct research on
other characteristic factors that affect the social interactions of autistic children.
Keywords: autistic children ? social interaction ? covid-19 pandemic
xvi + 80 pages + 10 tables + 2 schemas + 8 attachments
Literature: 62, 2012 ? 2021