Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bethesda Yakkum
618.9 Pediatrik dan Geriatrik
2021-05-07 03:42:41
Abstract :
HELARIA SARASATI PURWANINGRUM. ?The Correlation between Stress
with Adherence to Anti-Hypertensive Medication of Elderly with Hypertension in
Governmental Nursing Home Budi Luhur Bantul Yogyakarta in 2020?.
Background: Elderly have physical and psychological problems such as
hypertension and stress. Hypertension can not be cured but can be controlled with
anti-hypertensive drugs. If it is not adherent to anti hypertension, it will cause blood
pressure instability and complications.
Objective: To know the correlation between stress with adherence to antihypertensive medication of elderly with hypertension in Governmental Nursing
Home Budi Luhur Bantul Yogyakarta in 2020?.
Methods: It was a correlational analysis research with cross sectional approach.
The number of samples was 32 elderly with total sampling technique. The
instrument was PSS and MMAS-8 questionnaire. The statistical test used Spearman
Rank with ?= 0,05%.
Results: The results of statistical tests show p-value (0,078) > ? (0,05) with some
respondents experienced mild stress (53.1%) and adherence to moderate antihypertensive medication (46.9%).
Conclusion: There is no correlation between stress with adherence to antihypertensive medication of elderly with hypertension in Governmental Nursing
Home Budi Luhur Bantul Yogyakarta nn 2020.
Suggestion: Further researchers are suggested to examine the factors than influence
stress of elderly with hypertension in adherence to anti-hypertensive medication.
Key words: adherence, stress, hypertension, elderly
xix + 117 pages + 16 tables + 2 schemas + 18 appendices
Bibliography: 73, 2010-2018