Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bethesda Yakkum
610.7 Pendidikan, Penelitian, Perawatan, Topik-Topik berkaitan
2021-05-07 03:09:38
Abstract :
Mariyana. ?Phenomenology Study of Nurse Perception about the Need for a
Supportive-Educative System in Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Bethesda
Lempuyangwangi Hospital Yogyakarta in 2020?
Background: Inpatient visits at Bethesda Lempuyangwangi Hospital in 2018
reached 210 people, 83.4% were treated with a diagnosis of hypoglycemia and
hyperglycemia. Based on this phenomenon, there are things that are incorrectly
done by post-treatment patients so that they fall into the same condition. One
possible cause is the lack of education by nurses. Supportive-Educative System is
a nursing action that aims to provide support and education so that patients are
able to perform self-care independently.
Objective: To know nurses' perception about the need for a Supportive-Educative
System in people with DM.
Method: This was a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach
method. The sample technique used was purposive sampling with 12 participants.
Data collection used interview, analysis was in the form of transcripts, coding,
categorization, themes using source and time triangulation.
Result: Nurses' perception of the need for a supportive-educative system requires
nurses not only to become educators, nurses are responsible for focusing on a
supportive-educative system to build awareness and develop patient self-care
abilities. A psychological approach is used to improve the patient's adaptability so
that it can integrate with relevant aspects of life.
Conclusion: The nurse perceives that a supportive-educative system is needed as
a mean of education for DM inpatients. Supportive-educative system is a
combination of support, guidance and provision of the environment needed to
help developing self-management skills.
Suggestion: The results of this study can be used as an illustration to develop
educational tools based on the Supportive Educative System for people with DM.
Keywords: Perception - Diabetes Mellitus - Supportive-Educative System
xv + 129 pages + 6 tables + 9 appendices + 3 schemas
Bibliography: 37, 2009-2018