Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Borneo Lestari
Nur REzkiah, NR
D3 TLM, AAK Borneo Lestari
2018-08-02 01:29:47
Abstract :
Nur Rizkiah
Ika Maulida Nurrahma, Putri Meranti Yasida Oktavia
The diamond miner does not use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as boots and gloves at work and tend to not pay attention to Personal Hygiene which include washing hands and feet, cutting nails after work, thereby allowing the infection of the STH eggs. The purpose of this research is to identify the type of STH eggs, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), Personal Hygiene and the Characteristic of diamond miner. This research is a Deskriftip Survey. Total of diamond miners sampled were as many as 15 Respondents, taken with the Purposive Sampling method. The analysis of STH eggs in nail manure was carried out using sedimentation method with 0.25% NaOH solution. The result of this research is 1 respondent who have the Egg Transmitted Helminths worm eggs in the sample of the nails that are checked. Percentage based on species of Ascaris lumbricoides by 1 (7%) respondents. Based on the results of questionnaires use of personal protective equipment with good category as much as 0 people (0%), enough as 8 people (53%), and poor category as much (47%). Based on the results of Personal Hygiene questionnaire with good category 9 people (60%), enough as 4 people (27%), and less than 2 people (13%). For the diamond recruiting workers it is advisable to always use Personal Protective Equipment (APD) while working and behaving in a healthy life and paying attention to personal hygiene.
Keywords: Soil Transmitted Helminths, Personal Protective Equipment & Personal Hygie