Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Borneo Lestari
Auliana, AU
D3 TLM, AAK Borneo Lestari
2019-07-23 05:51:20
Abstract :
Helminthiasis or worm infection is an infectious disease caused by a worm parasite. Parasitic worms that often lead to intestinal worms are soil tranmitted group helmint (STH), roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), whipworm (Trichuris trichiura), hookworm (Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale) and worm threads (Srongyloides stercolaris). Examination of Stool using flotation method for the concentration of cysts and eggs on the difference BJ between the solution of a specific chemical (1120 to 1210) and the eggs of worms and protozoan cysts (1050 to 1150) with a solution of NaCl or ZnSO4, eggs and cysts to float on the surface of the solution is more severe, while the feces Sinking slowly to the bottom. This study aims to determine the usage ratio of saturated NaCl with saturated ZnSO4 to the number of worms Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH). This research is an analytical survey with comparative design. The results showed that of the positive control stool samples with 15 repetitions there are differences in the number of worm eggs after the analysis of non-parametric statistical test Mann-Whitney Test significantly obtained 0.124> 0.05 means there is no significant difference so the hypothesis is rejected, namely the influence of variation between Number of eggs. With an average value there are different results between the number of worm eggs found. The number of worm eggs using NaCl Saturated with repetition 15x samples showed an average of 4.00, while the number of worm eggs were found using saturated ZnSO4 showed an average of 4.93. so the parasitological examination by the flotation method using NaCl Saturated and Unsaturated ZnSO4 can be used as one of the supporting diagnosis of intestinal worms
Keywords: flotation method, NaCl Saturated, ZnSO4 Saturated