Abstract :
Abstract - Covid- 19 is an infectious disease that occurs through droplets that can cause general signs and symptoms such as fever, and respiratory problems in humans, severe symptoms of Covid- 19 can cause diseases such as pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the knowledge of adolescents about preventing Covid- 19. This research used a descriptive method while the research design used a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all teenagers in SMA Negeri Benlutu, Timor Tengah Selatan Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, as many as 479 teenagers with number sample was 48 teenagers as respondents.
Collecting data using a questionnaire, aimed to explain or describe the characteristics of each research variable and analyze to produce the distribution and percentage of the variables studied. Based on the age of the respondents, most of them were 17-18 years old as many as 26 people (54.25%), most of them were female as many as 26 people (54.2%), and almost half of the respondents who were in class X were 18 people (37,5%), and a small part had sufficient knowledge was 4 people (8.3%), and almost all respondents had good knowledge was 44 people (91.7%).
From the results of this study, it can be concluded that almost all of the respondents have good knowledge, with good knowledge, it is expected that adolescents can play an active role in preventing the transmission of Covid- 19.
Keywords: Knowledge, Adolescents, Covid- 19.