Abstract :
One of the qualities of nursing services is patient safety. Implementing the application of patient safety has not been maximized, so it requires reasonable management efforts to improve nursing services so that nurse job satisfaction can be fulfilled optimally. This study aimed to determine the relationship between patient safety culture and nurse job satisfaction in the Operating Room RSUD Sidoarjo. The research design was correlational analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The independent variable was patient safety culture, and the independent variable is nurse job satisfaction. The population of those studied was all nurses in the operating room, consisting of 98 nurses. Samples were taken using a simple random sampling technique with as many as 79 respondents. Data was collected using a questionnaire instrument and tested with the Spearman Rho test. The results showed that most of the respondents who implementing a safety culture in the weak category felt dissatisfied at work, as many as ten respondents (62.5%), most of the respondents who implemented a moderate safety culture felt quite satisfied at work, as many as 21 respondents (72.4%), and most of the respondents who implemented a safety culture safety strongly felt satisfied in carrying out their work as many as 24 respondents (70.6%). The results of the Spearman rho test show the value of ? = 0.000 with ? = 0.05; this shows that the value of ? =
0.000 = 0.05 then H0 was rejected so that there is a relationship between workplace safety culture and job satisfaction of nurses in the Operations Room RSUD Sidoarjo. Future researchers should be able to conduct research using different research methods such as providing interventions on patient safety culture or job satisfaction and be able to increase the number of samples so that research results further enhance science and technology in nursing Keywords : Patient Safety Culture, Satisfaction, Nursing