Abstract :
Motivation is defined as a force that encourages a person to do something in order to obtain the expected result or goal. In this era of industrial revolution, nurses are expected to adapt amid the challenges of globalization and the era of digitalization. These technological developments have an impact on nurses in documenting nursing care in the form of documentation electronically. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between nurse motivation and the implementation of nursing documentation electronically at the Sidoarjo Regional General Hospital. The design of this study is correlational analysis with a cross-sectional approach. The independent variable of the research is motivation and the dependent variable is the implementation of electronic nursing documentation. The research population was nurses in the lotus room and yellow rose room with 114 respondents. Samples were taken using proportional random sampling technique as many as 89 respondents. data was collected with a questionnaire instrument and tested with the Spearman Rho test. The results showed that most respondents who had weak motivation were incomplete in carrying out nursing care documentation as many as 13 respondents (72.2%). Almost all respondents who were motivated to carry out a complete electronic nursing documentation were 27 respondents (87.1%). Almost all respondents who have a strong motivation to carry out complete electronic documentation of nursing care are 38 respondents (95%). The results of the spearman rho test showed a value of ? = 0.000 with ? = 0.05, this shows that the value of ? = 0.000 < ? = 0.05 then H0 was rejected so that there is a motivational relationship with the implementation of electronic nursing care documentation at Sidoarjo Regional Hospital. The stronger the motivation in doing nursing care documentation electronically, the more complete the nursing care documentation carried out.
Keywords : Motivation, Electronic Documentation of Nursing Care, Nurses