Abstract :
The reduced cure rate was of particular concern because more and more tuberculosis patients who do not undergo treatment completely will be increased the transmission of TB disease in the community. The aim of the study was to determine differences in patient compliance with pulmonary TB medication between those who were given verbal supportive education and WhatsApp media in the Pulmonary Internal Room of Sidoarjo Hospital.The design of this research was Quasy Experiment with Pretest post test group design approach. the independent variable of the research was the provision of verbal supportive education and whatsapp media. the dependent variable is adherence to taking pulmonary TB medication. The study population was all pulmonary TB patients in the pulmonary internal room of Sidoarjo Hospital with an average number of patients per month of 87 patients. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique as many as 48 respondents. Data was collected with a questionnaire instrument. The results showed that there was a difference in the pretest and posttest average scores in the whatsapp experimental = 1.66 which was higher than the difference in the pretest and posttest average scores in the verbal experimental = 0.58. This shows that providing supportive education through WhatsApp media is more effective than verbally.The results of the paired t test showed that the ? value of the two experimental groups was = 0.05 so that H0 was rejected, so there was a difference in patient compliance with taking pulmonary TB medication between those who were given verbal supportive education and WhatsApp media in the Pulmonary Internatal Room of Sidoarjo Hospital.The used of Whatsapp as an intervention in increasing pulmonary TB patient compliance has proven effective so that it can be used as an alternative form of action that can be performed on patients.
Keywords: Supportive education, Compliance, Pulmonary TB