Abstract :
Patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy face problems in living their lives such as physical impact, social impact and psychological impact due to continuous and long-term treatment. Low self-esteem can affect a person's quality of life. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with the self-esteem of CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis in the Internal Medicine Poly room at Sidoarjo Hospital. The research method used was a
correlation study and used a Cross Sectional research design. The population in this study were 64 people, and 55 samples were taken with Purpposive sampling. The instruments used were self-esteem questionnaire, family support questionnaire, self-acceptance questionnaire, social stigma questionnaire. The results showed that family support has a value of r = 0.693, and self-acceptance has a value of r = 0.703 which means a unidirectional correlation with self-esteem. As for Social Stigma, it has a value of r = 0.512, which means that the correlation is opposite or unidirectional to the Self Esteem of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients. In the data analysis used in this study using the Spearman Rank Correlation Test, the p value of 0.000 is smaller than the significant value of 0.05. High self-esteem can affect a person's quality of life, especially patients who undergo routine treatment. It is expected that CKD patients can continue to improve self-esteem such as through activity seminars, hemodialysis clubs and family support.
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Family Support, Self Acceptance, Social Stigma, Self-Esteem