Abstract :
Abstract-Teenage marriage is a problem that is rife today. Efforts to mature the age of marriage is through health education with animated video media. This study aims to determine the effect of health promotion animated video media on adolescent knowledge about maturing the age of marriage in Sumberkarang Village, Dlanggu District, Mojokerto Regency. This study uses a quantitative type with Pra Experimental with technique One Group Pre-Post Test Design. The population in this study was adolescents aged 16-18 years totaling 118 teenagers, the sample in this research was obtained 35 teenagers, the sample was directed to see animation video more than 1 time for 3 days. Data collected through questionnaires were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that before the video animation intervention was given, most of the respondents had less knowledge (74.3%), while after the video animation intervention, most of the respondents had good knowledge (60.0%). about maturation of marriage age (0.00). Animation video media has a significant effect on increasing adolescents' knowledge about maturing the age of marriage. Therefore, adolescents are expected to seek information on maturing the age of marriage so that they can implement it into their lives.
Keywords : Media, Knowledge, Marriage Age Maturity, Promotion, Video.