PEER FEEDBACK ON FACEBOOK GROUP; Does it bring about effect on students’ writing competence at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan?
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Universitas Halu Oleo
Bahasa Inggris 
2020-03-02 03:13:10 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT PEER FEEDBACK THROUGH FACEBOOK GROUP; Does it bring about effect on students’ writing competence at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan? By AKSAN SAPUTRA A1M2 15 045 This research is aimed at investigating whether or not there was a significant effect of Peer Feedback through Facebook Group on students‟ writing competence at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan in writing recount text. The design of this research was pre-experimental design which involved only one class (class X MIA 1) as sample of this research. The total sample was 24 students which selected by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument of this research was written test which focused on three aspects of writing namely organization, language use and mechanics. The researcher collected the data by giving pre-test and post-test in order to know students‟ writing competence before and after treatment of Peer Feedback through Facebook Group had been applying. The researcher used paired sample t-test in SPSS 16 Windows Software to analyze the result of this research. The finding shows that there is a significant effect of Peer Feedback through Facebook Group on students‟ writing competence. It is proven by the result of descriptive analysis where the mean score of pre-test was 51.66 and mean score of post-test was 67.29. Furthermore, the result of hypothesis testing showed that the value of Sig (2-tailed) was 0.000 which smaller than alpha value 0.05, means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of Peer Feedback through Facebook Group on upgrading students‟ writing competence in recount text at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan. Hence, teaching and learning writing use Peer Feedback through Facebook Group can be one of effective methods on upgrading students‟ writing competence. Keywords: Peer Feedback, Facebook Group, Writing, Recount Text 
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Universitas Halu Oleo