Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Borneo Lestari
Sari Milawati, SM
D3 TLM, AAK Borneo Lestari
2018-08-04 02:36:47
Abstract :
Improper waste management can have negative effect on health such as infections. One of the people risk for helminth infection is a garbage collector. Use of qualified Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can prevent contamination from worm eggs or larvae into the garbage worker?s body, especially worms transmitted through Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH). This study aimed to find out the relationship between habitual use of PPE (gloves) and contaminated worm eggs STH class on garbage collector in Banjarbaru city. This study was analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The population used was 200 garbage collectors in Banjarbaru City, then they was taken 100 people as sample with random sampling technique systematically. The data were collected by questionnaire and examination of worm eggs with sedimentation method. This study results, 46 people (46%) had habitual not wearing PPE or as the bad criteria, while 54 people (54%) had habitual wearing PPE or as the the good criteria. From 46% as bad criteria only 4% were positively contaminated STH-type, worm eggs was found Ascaris lumbricoides eggs. From the statistical test results using Chi Square test, obtained the value meaning (Exact.Significance) of 0.042. This value showed smaller than ? value (error rate) 0.05 which means there was relationship between the habitual use of PPE and contaminated worm eggs STH class. Suggestion for researchers further should do study such as checking helminth infection on garbage collectors related personal hygiene, knowledge and attitude officer to worm infection.
Keywords: Personal Protective Equipment, Soil Transmitted Helminth, Waste Disposal Officer