Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Borneo Lestari
Mariyana, Mariyana
D3 Farmasi, STIKES Borneo Lestari
2021-09-14 03:53:07
Abstract :
Ketidaksesuaian peresepan obat BPJS berdasarkan Formularium Nasional dan Formularium Rumah Sakit sering terjadi, Penelitian dilakukan di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Daerah Idaman Kota Banjarbaru untuk mengukur persentase kesesuaian resep dengan formularium nasional dan formularium rumah sakit. Jenis penelitian non eksperimental dan bersifat deskriptif evaluatif non analitik. Pendekatan pengambilan data secara retrospektif , populasi adalah seluruh resep yang ditulis dokter poli penyakit dalam untuk pasien BPJS kecuali resep racikan pada bulan April sampai Juni 2018. Data diambil dengan teknik proporsional random sampling dengan tingkat kesalahan 10%, didapatkan sampel sebanyak 100 lembar resep. Analisis data menggunakan rumus persentase kesesuaian peresepan obat BPJS dengan formularium nasional dan formularium rumah sakit. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kesesuaian peresepan obat BPJS berdasarkan Formularium Nasional sebanyak 68 lembar resep atau 68,35%, dan yang tidak sesuai sebanyak 32 lembar resep atau 31,65%. Sedangkan kesesuaian peresepan obat BPJS berdasarkan Formularium Rumah Sakit sebanyak 87 lembar resep atau 86,11% dan yang tidak sesuai sebanyak 13 lembar resep atau 13,89%. Kata Kunci : Peresepan Obat, Pasien BPJS, Formularium Nasional, Formularium Rumah Sakit.
The inconsistency of prescribing BPJS drugs based on the National Formulary and Hospital Formulary often occurs. The study was conducted at the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of Hospital in Banjarbaru City to measure the percentage of conformity with the national formulary and hospital formulary. The type of non-experimental research and descriptive evaluative non-analytic. Retrospective data retrieval approach, the population is all recipes written by doctors at internal disease polyclinic for BPJS patients except concoction recipes from April to June 2018. Data was taken by proportional random sampling technique with an error rate of 10%, obtained samples of
100 recipe sheets. Data analysis used a formula for percentage suitability for prescribing BPJS drugs with the national formulary and hospital formulary. The results of the study obtained the suitability of prescribing BPJS drugs suitable based on the National Formulary as many as 68 prescription sheets or 68.35%, and those that did not match 32 prescription sheets or 31.65%. While the suitability of prescribing BPJS drugs is based on the Hospital Formulary as many as 87 prescription sheets or 86.11% and those that do not correspond to 13 prescription sheets or 13.89%. Keywords: Drug prescription, BPJS patients, National Formulary, Hospital Formulary.