Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Borneo Lestari
Muji Endah Lestari, MEL
Ahmad Muhlisin, AM
M. Nazarudin (030811020), MN
D3 TLM, AAK Borneo Lestari
2019-08-06 01:35:24
Abstract :
In Government Regulations No. 2 Year 1992 about Population Growth and Prosperous Family Development, KB is an attempt to develop awareness and society roles through birth control and prosperous development. To controlling number of birth, of housewives use contraception. Pill and injected contraception are made from combination of estrogen and progestin hormon, or progestin only. Combinated pill cause blood sugar rate changes. This research purposed to differentiate fasting blood sugar rate from DMPA injected contraception and combinated oral contraception users at Martapura obstetrics clinic on march ? june 2012. This type of research is analytical survey using independent sampel T-Test. Researcher tested blood sugar rate by using GOD-PAP method. It resulted that 16 from 32 patients used oral contraception while the other used injected DMPA. From all of respondent, there was 9% of 22-27 years old, 31% of 28-33 years old, 44% of 34-39 years old, and 16% of 40-45 years old. Average of combinated oral contraception was 111 mg/dl while injected DMPA was 122 mg/dl. From statistic test result, significant value was 0,507 > 0,05. That means H0 is received and Ha is rejected. Therefore, both contaception users have no significant difference of their blood sugar rate. Contaception users are recommende to check their blood sugar rate regulary. Advance researh is needed for other contraception type such as IUD, Implant, and cyclo injection.
Keywords : Blood sugar, Contraception, DMPA, Oral.