Using PowToon-Based Video Media in Learning English to Facilitate the Sixth Graders as Autonomous Learners
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Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Dewi, Luh Gede Ayu Krisna Sari
L Education (General) 
2022-07-21 03:46:14 
Abstract :
The transformation of face-to-face learning to online learning brought new challenges to enable students to be autonomous learners, especially young learners. The students are expected to have the intention and independence in determining goals and evaluating learning to achieve increased abilities and skills. One way to support this case is the use of attractive learning media. PowToon video is a learning media containing animation video that combines PowerPoint and cartoon. PowToon video was applied in this study to test the significant difference between the use of PowToon and PowerPoint for facilitating the autonomous learners and to examine students’ responses to PowToon video implementation for the sixth graders at SD Lab Undiksha Singaraja. This study used mixed-method, mainly sequential explanatory design. The results found that there was a significant difference between the students taught by PowToon and the students taught by PowerPoint. The students also had positive responses to the use of PowToon. 
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Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha