Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Yudha, Ni Ketut Sari Anggreni
L Education (General)
2021-10-20 06:05:22
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the forms of locutionary act and the types and
functions of illocutionary act found in the utterances spoken by the two main
characters of I Still Believe movie. This study applied descriptive qualitative
research design since the data of this research were in the form of utterances. The
method of data collection used in this research was documentation, and the
instrument of data collection of this research were the researcher and observation
sheet in the form of table of form of locutionary act and type and function of
illocutionary act. Then, the data analysis method of this research were data
condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Furthermore,
the finding of this research showed that there are 114 data found in the form of
utterances spoken by the two main characters of I Still Believe movie. For the
locutionary act found, 79 utterances are in the form of declarative, 22 utterances are
in the form of imperative, and 13 utterances are in the form of interrogative. Then,
for the illocutionary act, from 114 utterances found, 34 utterances are considered as
assertives which functions are to assert, to claim, to describe, and to inform; 52
utterancces are considered as directives which functions are to invite, to order, to
ask, and to reques; 16 utterances are considered as commissives which functions
are to promise and to refuse; 10 uterances are considered as expresives which
functions are to thank and to praise; and 2 utterances are considered as declaration
which function is to declare. Therefore, it can be concluded that the declarative
form of locutionary act is found 69% in amount, the imperative form is found 19%
in amount, and the interrogative form is found 12% in amount. Meanwhile, for the
illocutionary act, the assertives type is found 30%, directives type is found 45%,
commisives type is found 14%, expressives type is found 9%, and declaration type
is found 2% of the whole data.