Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Pratama, Putu Yoga Sathya
BF Psychology
2020-02-21 05:34:50
Abstract :
This research aimed to describe English Language Education (ELE) students? motivation in learning pedagogical courses. Previous studies on motivation had been broadly researched, but little attention was given to learning pedagogical courses motivation. Thus, this qualitative research with case-study research design was conducted. The sample were ELE fifth semester students in academic year 2019/2020. The collecting data used were questionnaire, interview guidance, study document, and human instrument. The obtained data were analyzed qualitatively through interactive data analysis. As the result, 3 main research findings have been discovered, namely: 1) there is an inclination showing that most of observed ELE students are identified to be intrinsically motivated in learning pedagogical courses, while the rest are identified to be extrinsically motivated, amotivated, and undefined motivation; 2) reasons underlying ELE students? motivation in learning pedagogical courses can be categorized into 2 categories, they are internal reasons (mood, goals, passion, perspective, & personality) and external reasons (parental, score, & lecturer); 3) there seems to find no conclusive pattern of relationship between ELE students? motivation in learning pedagogical courses and their pedagogical courses achievement. Along with these findings, this research also covers 2 interesting results, namely: 1) there is identified other motivation type that seem to be a new motivation type, labelled as ?undefined motivation? and 2) in this case, having intrinsic motivation does not guarantee the ELE students become high achiever in pedagogical courses learning. Implication drawn from the study in relation to future research and the pedagogical courses teaching?s evaluation is further discussed.