Universitas Buddhi Dharma
Pamungkas, Daniel Satria
301 Sosiologi dan Antropologi, Manusia, Masyarakat
2023-02-24 03:31:15
Abstract :
In this thesis, the writer has chosen the topic about the analysis of agoraphobia on the main Female character in The Woman In The Window novel, Anna Fox. In The Woman In The Window novel, Anna fox is an agoraphobic woman who is having a problem can not leave her home, if she is outside of her home she will get a panic attack and dizzy. This research aims to prove that the character of Anna has agoraphobia symptoms by compared the symptoms of Agoraphobia from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (2013) and also the traumatic experience that has caused the character to become an agoraphobia person. Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder where you are afraid and avoid places or situations that can cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or ashamed. The research methods that the writer used in this thesis are the qualitative approach, by collecting data from many sources. The main female character has all the three symptoms of agoraphobia, fear or anxiety being outside of the home alone, fear being in open spaces, and anxiety or panic attack. And cause agoraphobia on Anna is because she had bad past experience.
Keywords: Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Symptoms, Character