Abstract :
In the process of learning English, teachers and students should have good communication and cooporation so that the students? learning outcome can be well achieved. The research aims to show the causes of the difficulty of the Fifth Grade Students of Insan Teratai Elementary School in learning English, the Simple Past Tense for instance, the effectiveness of the application of the cooperative learning method type Student Teams Achievement Division to teach the tense to the students and the amount of their learning outcome improvement. Qualitative and quantitaive approaches were applied. Further, classroom observations and tests for the VA Class students were conducted to collect the data. Hence, the observational records of the First Cycle and the Second Cycle as well as the students? test scores were analyzed. To analyze the qualitative data, interpretation of the classroom observational records was employed whereas descriptive statistics and the T-Test were employedto analyze the quantitative data. The research findings reveal that the causes of the students? English learning, among others,are the students think that English is difficult and they do not like it and the irrelevant learning method and that through STAD, the students? learning outcome has improved significantly. It is proved with the significant increase (6.46 points) for which the mean in the First Cycle and the Second Cycle respectively is 71.71 and 78.17 and the results of T-Test which reveal that the students? learning outcome with STAD is higher than that of nonSTAD sincethe 'Equal variances assumed' table. Sig value. (2-tailed) in the 'Equal variances assumed' section of 0.238> 0.05. It is concluded that the application of STAD can make the elementary students get motivated in learning English and have fun learning and improve their learning outcome significantly.
Keyword : Cooperative Learning, STAD, Young Learners, Teams, Simple
Past Tense.