Abstract :
Nowadays, the improvement of digital and technology in the music industry has
brought people many advantages. By using the internet, people in different
countries can communicate easily with each other by delivering a message
through a music video that has been made. However, the language differentiation
of each country makes it more difficult to understand the meaning of the signs
within the music video. The sign itself is not only as minor information but
something that has more meaning hidden within it. According to Barthes, the
concept of semiotics can be used as a tool to uncover the hidden meanings in the
text. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the meaning of Jonas Blue?s
Rise music video through the Semiotic theory of Roland Barthes. By making this
research, the writer attempts to discuss and explain the Connotative meaning,
Denotative meaning and Myth that can be found in Jonas Blue?s music video
Rise. In doing the analysis, the writer uses qualitative methodology which are
filled with words instead of numbers. The data of this research are taken from the
scene in Jonas Blue?s music video on Youtube. The result of the analysis shows
that there are 10 data that can be found in the video, and there are 10 denotative
meaning and connotative meaning in the scenes from the video.