Abstract :
The topic of this study is Students? Motivation in Learning English and Their Reading Comprehension (A Case Study of the 10th Grade Students of Office Administration 2 ?Pancakarya? Vocational High School, Tangerang) Academic Year 2018/2019. The objectives of the research is to the correlation between the students? motivation and reading comprehension, the students? achievements in students? motivation and reading comprehension. The method used in this research is a correlation method. The sample of the research is grade 10th Office Administration 2 Students of Pancakarya Vocational High School, Tangerang. By using a quantitative methods. The collecting data instruments used are questionnaire and question test. The sample of population chosen is one class; that is second year of Senior High School that consists of 34 students as the sample of the research. The questionnaire was used to collect the data of students? motivation where the objective test was used to collect the data of reading comprehension. In analyzing the data, the writer used Pearson Product Moments. The result of the study shows that from the statistical test, the correlation score 0.636 approaching 1. Hence the correlation of motivation and reading comprehension is strong. The result of statistical test shows that many of the students have a high motivation and also high in Reading comprehension ability.
Keyword: motivation, reading comprehension