Abstract :
Secret Slave novel is a novel that contains stories based on a true story that
becomes worldwide because it targets a girl who was made a sex slave for 13
years. This story has even been adapted into a series that aired on UK local TV as
conclusive evidence of covert violence. This thesis analyses about motivation
value of the main character Anna Ruston in Secret Slave novel. This research uses
Five Level of Maslow?s Hierarchy of Needs theory to find out what are the basic
needs needed by the character in growing motivation that are the basis for survival
and free from the torture she experience. This research is qualitative method for
identify the story, description, motivation and situation that the character faced in
the novel. The findings reveal five basic needs needed by Anna Ruston to achieve
something called motivation. 5 of these basic needs include psychological and
biological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and selfactualization.
The result of the analysis are the existence of motivation reflected in
Maslow's theories found in novels, such as motivation obtained from family and
environmental relationships that create positive thinking, so that character can
think clearly and get out of sex slavery.
Keywords: Novel, Character, Motivation, Five Level of Maslow?s Hierarchy