Abstract :
The title of this thesis is ?The Analysis of Moral Value Seen in Kevin Kwan?s novel Crazy
Rich Asians?. Generally, literature is a scientific material or source commonly used to make a
paper or other scientific activities. Novel, poetry, essay, even film and drama are kind of literary
work of imagination. Novel is a fictional prose story in a certain length, which depicts
characters, movements and scanes real representative in a plot. The purpose of this study is to
present the moral values contained on the characters in the Crazy Rich Asians novel.The theory
that is used in this thesis is Hornby theory. The researcher uses two primary and secondary data
sources. Primary data is Crazy Rich Asians novel written by Kevin Kwan in 2013. Secondary
data are data sources that support this research such as website, journals, and some article
related to the novel. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which is content analysis.
The result of this study show the moral values contained in character in this novel. There are
seven character who play in this novel, namely Rachel Chu, Nicholas Young, Eleanor Young,
Astrid Leong, Michael Tao, Philip, and Peik Lin. After analyzing the Crazy Rich Asians novel,
the writer found moral values; Love and Affection (28,9%), Bravery (21%), Sympathetic to
others (13,2%), Honesty (5,3%), Care to others (10,5%), Humbleness (5,3%), Kind-hearted
(5,3%), and the last is Trustworthiness (5,3%). The most dominant kind of moral value in this
novel is Love and Affection.
Keyword: Literature, Novel, Moral Value, Crazy Rich Asians.