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Universitas Buddhi Dharma
Lestari, Nathania Citra
301 Sosiologi dan Antropologi, Manusia, Masyarakat 
2023-02-24 06:43:13 
Abstract :
The simile is a type of Figurative Language, an aspects are a figure of speech that make a comparison, showing similarities between two different things; simile draw resemblance with the help of the worlds ?like? or ?as?. Figurative Language is a part of the semantics. As people know that with semantics, people can know the true meaning in a song. The objectives of this research are to show the similes and the meaning of the similes in twenty four Darlene Zschech song lyrics to compare things directly. The song lyrics are Under Grace, Saving Me, You are Love, We are Your People, I Will Wait, Beautiful, Hope for Humanity, Faithful, Cry of the Broken, Face to Face, It is You, Worthy is The Lamb, Yours Forever, I will Run To You, Victor?s Crown, My Jesus I Love Thee, Believe, Hear Our Praises, All That I Am, All That We Are, All Things Are Possible, Just Let Me Say, People Just Like Us, The Power of Your Love. The writer applied they qualitative approach since all the data in this study were not related to numbers but were described in words. The song lyrics as the data to be analyzed by employing Vyvyan Evans?s theory of figurative language (2010). The writer only gave the description of the figurative language found in those song?s lyrics and figurated out the meaning of the figurative language. This study was done by taking notes of the song lyrics, highlighting the figurative language and some related studies that have been done before. In the end of this study, the writer find out the research findings that there are eighteen similes in the song lyrics and the meaning of the similes dealwith. The writer found that not all of the twenty four song lyrics have similes and that all of the eighteen similes have their different meanings. Keywords: Figurative Language, Semantics, Simile, Song Lyrics 
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Universitas Buddhi Dharma