Abstract :
The title of this research is ?The Implementation of Theme-Based Teaching to
Improve Student?s English Vocabulary at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 3
Bola?. This research aimed to determine how the implementation of Theme-based
teaching can improve students? English vocabulary. The research of study was
conduct in class VIII A involving 28 students. This research used a quantitative
method and the technique which was used in collecting data it was giving pre-test
and post-test design. The pre-test was given at the beginning of the meeting to test
the students' vocabulary. After that, they were given treatment for six meetings,
after being given the treatment, the students were given a post-test to know
vocabulary students' ability, to analysis data this research used the SPSS
application. The results showed that there were two students who got very good
classification (7,1%), four students got good classification (14,2%), twelve
students got fairly good classification (43%), eight students got fair classification
(28,6%), and two students got poor classification (7,1%). At last, the null
hypothesis (H_0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (H_1) was accepted,
because the criteria H1 was accepted if the sig. (2-tailed) was .000<0,05.
Therefore, from the data, there are significant differences in the students' English
vocabulary before and after teaching vocabulary through the theme-based
teaching method.