Abstract :
English learning in Indonesia is counted still lower especially about asset of
vocabulary knowledge. Many Indonesian learners have low interest to learn
vocabulary which makes them leisurely master English. The purpose of the study is to
analyze the influence of the STAD method ( student team achievement division) on
vocabulary mastery.The researcher chose the location in the school SMK Negeri 2
Bone grade ten. and selected 10 students, five students of multimedia majors and five
students majoring in TGB ( building image engineering) in order to comply with
health protocols and not burden the researcher students took ten students who have a
network to study or have a smartphone media .In the process of this study, the
researcher used data analysis in qualitative form. The first step taken by the researcher
was observation, where the researcher obtained information about learning conditions
in school and observed the students' responses about The methods carried out in the
research process ranging from pre-learning to post-learning .the second step of the
researcher used interviews which were used as additional data. The results of
interviews of teacher and students with different maps to be able to find out more
about the methods used in vocabulary mastery. After the researcher conducted
observations and interviews, the researcher found that this method gives an influence
on vocabulary mastery and then can help students in understanding the meaning of
vocabulary, and students experience changes in vocabulary addition, and students are
more active in the learning process in groups.