Abstract :
This research aims to analyze the Indonesian Islamic higher education
students? research proposals-focused
academic writing texts through lexico-
grammatical paraphrasing. The method undertook qualitative approach within case
study design used of three research proposals (one paragraph of introduction part, one
paragraph of literature review part, and one paragraph of methodology part) during
six month. Through drawing on data from document analysis and interview, findings
showed that the original texts of participants were categorized near copy or verbatim
copy because of lack linguistic adaptation and many synonym expressions rather than
using lexico-grammatical skill. The students were still confused in paraphrasing
changes and what was the plagiarism-criteria during interview sessions through Zoom
application and Whatsapp Group. Thus, one of linguistic and textual paraphrasing
strategies, such as lexico-grammatical paraphrasing transformation is an alternatively
solution for this ideas cheating activity. Although they were committed plagiarism
activity in their bachelor thesis, system of institution bureaucracy and curriculum
policy makers in particular, an little attention on taxonomy of introduction to
Academic Writing course and Critical Academic Writing course existence, the
qualified materials of these subjects included in paraphrasing strategies, process of
evaluation during learning and teaching, and profile of lecturers? professionalism
capacity. Therefore, these academic writing courses are predominantly required and
equipped for Indonesian Islamic higher education students in writing scholarly works
academically and institutionally in the future