Abstract :
This thesis presents research about ?Teacher Reinforcement to the Students to
Understand the Six English Tenses at the Tenth Grade of Sma Islam Athirah Bone?,
the students always find the difficulties in their tenses understanding. Reinforcement
method is one of methods which can help the students to solve their difficulties in
their tenses understanding. The problem statements of this thesis is: does the use of
reinforcement effective to the student understand the six tenses at the tenth grade
students of Sma Islam Athirah Bone. This research uses quantitative method with
pre-experimental design. The researcher applies cluster sampling by choosing IPS
class of the first year that consists of 27 students with one group pre-test and post-test
design. This research employs a test based on the problem statement investigated, it is
multiple choice test. Multiple choice test consists of pre-test was given to the
students to know the students? tenses understanding before applying reinforcement
method and post-test is given to the students to know the students? tenses
understanding after applying reinforcement method, while the data obtains through
tests are analyzed with mean score and the formula of t-test. After several meetings,
this research finds out the use of reinforcement method is sigificantly effective in
increasing the students tenses understanding. The result of this research shows : (1)
the mean score obtained by the students through pre-test is 41,03 and post-test is
54,11. (2) the t-test value is higher than the t-table (10,05>2.048). It means that there
is a significant difference between the result of the students? pre-test and post-test.
Therefore, null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1) is