Comparison Between Novel and Film Divergent (Ecranisation Theory)
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Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

823 Fiksi Inggris, Prosa Inggris 
2017-04-05 05:24:47 
Abstract :
This thesis studied about Ecranisation Study of Novel into Film Divergent. The objectives of this research is to find out the reduction, addition, and modification of novel into film Divergent. This research used descriptive qualitative and used theory of Eneste to analysis the reduction, addition, and modification in ecranisation study. The data collections of this research are intrinsic elements of novel Divergent which is published in 2011 and the film Divergent which is released in 2014. In collecting data, the researcher used note taking as the instrument to find out the reduction, addition, and modification of novel into film. In this research, the researcher found that there were some reduction, addition and modification that have occurred as a consequence of ecranisation in some of intrinsic elements of fiction. There were no reduction, addition and modification that have occurred on the theme, setting of time, point of view, while the reduction, addition and modification occurred in some of events, characters, setting of place and style. In addition, the writer found that reduction, addition and modification influenced to the change of some intrinsic elements in both of fiction. 

Institution Info

Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin