Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin
421.55 Ejaan Bahasa Inggris, Pengucapan Bahasa Inggris
2017-11-03 03:05:16
Abstract :
As a result of the research, the writer found that most of students do the interference in words pronunciation that they didn’t know how to mention the correct vocabulary in English, then in grammatical patterns form which the students tend to use their Indonesian grammatical pattern sand the vocabulary use that they applied their Indonesian when the student doesn’t get the appropriate word to express her mind. So, the writer concluded that interference occurs at linguistic aspects, such as: phonological, grammatical,and lexical interference and the causes of interference are the lack of knowledge,Indonesian transfer, and the limited vocabularies of target language mastered by the learners.It shows that there are many errors due to language interference that influence bilingual’s speech. In other words,their sentences are interfered by their first language, namely Indonesian and those caused by the students who did not master English well.