Urgency of Falak Studies in Islamic Law ( Method of Hisab in order to Determinate Qibla Direction Bury in Makassar )
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Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

2X4 Fiqih, Hukum Islam 
2017-04-17 02:34:13 
Abstract :
The subject matter of this research is how Urgency of Falak Studies in Islamic Law Method of Hisab in order to Determinate Qibla Direction Bury in Makassar ) . The subject matter of the next set of three sub- problems, namely: 1 ) How Science Falak position in Islamic law ?, 2 ) How to position Qibla direction grave in Makassar ?, 3 ) How reckoning method of determining the Qibla direction tomb in the city of Makassar? This research is a field research and classified kaulitatif using field research methods such as observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Collection of field data from various segments and the shape or position of facts Qibla direction tomb in the city of Makassar will then be described , analyzed and conclusion by using the approach of Islamic law. As the main goal of this research is the method of reckoning positioning Qibla direction grave in Makassar. Field of research that has been done can be drawn some conclusions, namely ;1). Islamic burial site in Makassar considerable numbers and scattered in various places throughout the district. For this, the government and communities to better understand the importance of Islamic instructions on the grave and knowledge arithmetic determination Qibla direction 2 ). Position Qibla direction tomb in the city of Makassar in general is not true ( not lead to kiblat ) and very step closer to the correct direction of Qibla, generally skewed to the west and south of the actual direction of Qibla , 3 ) the location of the grave in the city of Makassar in fact consists above ; tombs of the kings, the common grave (Muslim) Makassar City Government run, and the family cemetery. This cemetery grave generally not well maintained, well -managed government and community or family graveyard. This latter was due to a lack of public knowledge about the grave problems in Islam. In order to determine the direction of Qibla, the method used is the angle theory and the theory of shadow. In order to benefit of the people and to meet the grave clue about the contribution of the Islamic government and society in general are indispensable to the spirit of the true aqidah, knowledge and sense of responsibility that is quite adequate . Maintenance and Structuring old burial sites and graves are still used or new grave should be part of the government's responsibility to prepare a sufficient means and human resources managers who understand the grave problems in the Islamic perspective. Support community ( Muslims ) in general is also very necessary to establish cooperation between the government in terms of maintenance, and use of the grave properly according to the instructions of the Prophet. Thus God willing it will be worth worship Allah SWT . 

Institution Info

Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin