Abstract :
purpose of this research is to find out the kinds of reference in the novel and to explain
the reference used in the novel. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative
method. The source of data in this research is The Second Life of Bree Tanner by
Stephenie Meyer, which is published in 2010, and the books reference to support this
research. The data collection technique in this research uses note taking technique.
The data analysis technique in this research is always linked to the theory, concepts,
and methods based on the theory of cohesion. This research uses Cohesion in English
by Halliday and Hasan.
The result of this research shows that there are two types of reference which is
used in the novel. In this novel there are 93 utterances which consist of 88 personal
references and 34 demonstrative references.
Based on the result the writer concludes that personal reference which
dominate in this novel. The personal reference in this novel most of them refer to
Bree and Diego because Bree is the main character in this novel.